Set of two colored icons. The .pdf kind of made this pixelation thing around my icons but its not there actually. Sorry...
All of my icons as one color, two color, and three color:
Linear progression:
The design is pretty bad on the linear progression but its hard to stick so much on an 8.5 x 11 space, but I tried to go with a gridded system thats not very evident.
The design is pretty bad on the linear progression but its hard to stick so much on an 8.5 x 11 space, but I tried to go with a gridded system thats not very evident.
I really liked this phase of icon making. Adding color onto them added this whole other layer, yet it still deals with our story. I went into it knowing I wanted autumn colors already but I didn't imagine using the peach color, which I really enjoy. It brings a certain lightness and not so gloominess to my icons. I mixed up my colors on my two color ones because it seemed too boring with just the same thing colored in with the same color. On the three color, I was going to do all the filling in one color, all the details in one color, and all the outline shape thing in one color. I decided to mix that one up too because I liked how the variety of the two color one turned out so I brought it into the three color one. I really like how all of them came out and it shows that the three colors can mix and create different looking icons.
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