
Collection Categories

Process from Friday's class making lists of possible categorization and info graphs


Final categories:
Time released (read left to right)

Main character type:

Popularity (in terms of revenue, read left to right)

Final News Presentation

Scribd presentation

This project was tough for me. I slipped a few times but in general, I was happy with how it turned out. I learned a ton since we've never done website design before. I learned how information can be and should be presented and how to organize it so that people can understand. It was tough juggling all the information and at the same time, making it aesthetically pleasing. I wasn't able to present the final scenarios, which I'm sad about, but I did the best I could. Working in Photoshop also made it tougher since I'm not used to it anymore so relearning that was fun. Overall, there are still a lot of things I feel like I could revisit and improve if I had more time but I'm not unhappy with what I have now.

Digital Wireframes Round 2 and 3

Round 2 (went with the 3rd look)

Round 3 (the first one was following round 2, the rest, I started everything over)

Final Book

Final book
The file is really big so it might take a while to load.

This was such a fun experience making. I loved doing the research part of it and compiling the data into a book. It was really fun talking to everyone from the hiking group. I'm proud of the book Bethany and I made. We tried to capture the hikers in the book and I think we achieved it as best as we could. I liked doing all the diagrams and figuring out how to simplify the information for people so that was one of my strengths. I'm still a little weak on the aesthetics of things and working with photos and that is something I took away from working with Bethany. Overall, I'm glad for this experience and hopefully I'll get to bring the research aspect into future projects.

Book Making

After our research phase, we started to design the book. Bethany's blog has most of what was done between us. First round we did a lot of analog:

Second round we made translated it into digital:

And from there, we put them into our book layout (grid by Bethany) and fixed things around many times

We also put another section in, maps, to show trails around KS and MO that are famous.

There was a lot more work in between but these were kind of the main phases.


In Class Research

Pertinent and timely concerns in relation to world politics

  • Egypt - uprising and protests
  • Libya - same as Egypt; impact on oil prices
  • Middle East in general - most neighboring countries are protesting against their government as well
  • Europe's and America's reactions/thoughts/etc. to Middle East conflicts
  • Somalian pirates - holding hostages, killing people, etc.


Symposium Ideas Round 2

Following last class, we developed ways to produce the title. I did some tissue paper and charcoal, which I will post soon, hopefully, as well as some digital stuff.

From then, the class decided on 2 paths, exquisite corpse and imagery as background? I went for the corpse idea so I explored that. I did some experimentations:

We did this as a group so we exchanged what we each created and came up with different compositions.

I put one of them into a postcard and a website since that was required.
Now that I look back on it, I'm sort of feeling it but after seeing what people came up with for the imagery/simple type, I feel like that should be the direction we go in. Nothing hurts in exploring though so I'm glad I went through this exercise.


Symposium Ideas

We haven't really been making much for this but we've presented ideas for what the themes of the symposium could be.

Last Monday we went over the symposium titles and description and based on that, we were suppose to bring in ideas for Wednesday. I brought some color choices and ways the title could be formed. I also drew some ideas for how things could be laid out. I wasn't quite sure what was expected, and I felt like everyone else wasn't sure either so we did a round 2.
This was due today and each of us came up with actual concepts this time and mine was more image based. I was going off the idea of uniqueness and "atypical" things.
We also brought some inspirational images. I like the idea of vectors and how they can differ and how we use it. I also like handmade type like the cut paper. There's quite a few ideas up in the air and people brought in similar themes.


Art of the Title

Very cool website just about opening titles. They show the sequence, talk about how it was developed and its concept. Some we talked about in class but there's some more good ones on there.

C/ID Reading

This was a helpful reading in terms of designing an identity. Many, if not all, of the museums we had to read, their identity was very simple and straight forward. Even though there were concepts and ideas behind it, they kept simple type and colors to convey the message. I loved the 20/20 Vision exhibit at the SMCS. Their colors and the way their handled their name was awesome. I also liked MoMAQNS and their concept. I liked that they kept the old Franklin Gothic font but enhanced it to fit the new museum. Overall, it seems like the most memorable ones are the most simple. Identities shouldn't be over thought but it should still be complex in terms of concept. It should also be simple enough to fit every form and be able to be flexible enough to work.


Digital Wireframes Round 1

Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3

Site map:

Hopefully it's self explanatory. I feel like I'm missing things but I will ask my fellow classmates for their opinions.


95% Typography Readings

"95% of the information on the web is written language. It is the information designer's task "to divide up and organize and interpret this mass of printed matter in such a way that the reader will have a good chance of finding what is of interest to him. Information design is not about the use of good typefaces, it is about the use of good typography."

I liked how he stresses that it isn't the type's fault that things look bad, it's the designer's. Typography is tricky when it comes to screen based things and it's up to the designers to know how to use it. I viewed Khoi Vinh's website after we had a talk about him quitting the NY Times and was quite excited to see his website as an example. I loved the simplicity of the website along with the use of its typography.

In the reaction reading, he's basically defending his thoughts about how the designer designs for the users. I totally agree with him because in the end, it's for everyone to benefit from. I liked that he lists all the mistakes different groups of people make when they are in the designing stage. Even though it seems logical and "of course", no one really thinks about it and really consider it.


Research Insights

From the interviews, the self-reporting, and the hike Bethany and I did, there are some patterns happening in terms of who hikers are as people. I did some analysis in my notes post down below but I'll summarize it here as well. The hikers all seemed laid back and very outgoing and talkative. They were all easy to talk to and very nice. Their motivation for hiking seems to be the same as well. Many did it for health while others find that its calming, peaceful, and spiritual. The ladies that I talked to all had various trail stories and how there isn't just one that they can choose as their favorite. The hikers also remember spots that are striking, either by something there that was special or the colors that were present. They all are very respectful. They love love love the outdoors and would much rather be outside than inside. They are an active group because even in summer, they find other outdoor activities to do. Of course, this is only from my point of view and I'm sure there's more that I haven't thought of yet.

Symposium Description and Title List

We see it everyday, from street signage to a flyer someone hands you on the street. We interact with it everyday, from texting our friends or writing an email to a teacher. We might not consciously realize it, but it's around us constantly, aiding us by expressing how we feel. Typography is in every part of our lives. Through this symposium, we invite you to explore, interact, and view typography in a way you haven't before. Join us in an adventure that will inspire you to see typography in ways you haven't before.

Explore: A New Experience in Viewing Typography
(Re)See: Typography in a New Light
A Typo: Unusual Typography
Influential Type
Other: Unconventional Type
UnSee Conventional Typography
TYPO: An Exhibition of Type
Continuous: Expressive Type
Undo: Rethinking Type

    Wireframes Round 1

    After researching the USA Today website, we had to create 3 wireframes for our redesigning. The readings helped a lot in terms of what should be there and what shouldn't. Basically it's just a reorganization of data.

    This first one, is basically just collapsable things. So if you click on a "tab", that one will open but the others will shrink back. It works throughout the website like the sidebar navigation and the stories.

     This second one plays off the idea of a map and you basically can click any state, region, or the entire country to view things about that and then it goes into like block things that shows the categories and stories.
    The 3rd one is kind of like the first idea except there's a reel with all the top stories in it. There's that and then the collapsing thing as well. This is the concept that I'm going forward with so hopefully it will turn out well. It's called the "Collapsable Reel of Stories." :D

    Avid Hikers

    My sub-culture was outdoor enthusiasts focusing on hikers but then we (Bethany and me) limited it down to just hikers. For last Friday, we had some secondary research about the gears they wear, their language, etc. We also had interviews set up, our leave behind determined, and an idea for a field research. We contacted a group to see if we can join them on their hike, but according to them, it would've been too "strenuous" for us so they didn't let us come. At the end of that class though, we found another group that allowed us to hike with them at Leawood Park on Saturday. So in the end, everything worked out pretty nicely. We also had an interview scheduled for 4 on Friday with Julie Cirlincuina. Some notes on that interview:

    • Doesn't have a favorite trail because each one has its own characteristic but if she had to pick one, it'd be Konza Prairie in Manhattan, KS. It's a 6 mile hike with beautiful scenery.
    • She started hiking because she needed another hobby. She doesn't like shopping anymore because after a while, they stop making cute things for you. (now I'm assuming she's in her 40s because she sounded like it and I didn't want to ask)
    • Her mindset while hiking is to forget everyday life and just focus on the surrounding - sound, hear, smell, etc.
    • She doesn't think about life while on a hike. The stress and everything just goes away.
    • She finds hiking to be therapeutic.
    • Indoors, her mind is not worried about intrusions whereas outdoors, she's more focused. Her senses are heightened and she needs to be more aware of her surroundings.
    • There's a better sense of self because she's more focused inward instead of mundane things. It's also more spiritual for her.
    • Hiking has improved her health and vascular stamina. She also stated again that there's a better sense of self.
    • "A good day on the trail is a good day in the office."
    I wanted to keep the interview short since it was a phone interview and her time seemed precious so I only asked the more "important" question. She seemed pretty open and okay with talking about everything. There were some questions that I asked her and I remember her saying, "You're actually making me think." I guess she hasn't really thought about how hiking has impacted her so that was interesting to hear. 

    So Bethany and me went on a hike with Julie's group, Women's Outdoor Recreation, without knowing about it. They were actually hiking with another group as well but it was coincidental that we got to talk to more ladies from the WOR group. Some notes I took of this hike:
    • A lot of the members were wearing similar gears like some sort of hat (knitted and caps), a thick outdoors coat, thick gloves, hiking shoes (mainly boots of sorts), backpack, cargo pants or sweats, some had hiking sticks (the older ones), fanny packs, etc.
    • They are very sociable and talkative, but not in the sense of gossiping, they were just genuinely interested in many topics.
    • There were clear leaders who led the group through the trails. 
    • Very open people and very nice, respectful, sweet, caring. They seemed worry about Bethany and me hiking with them but they were all for it.
    • There were more ladies there than men (but I'm assuming that's because they are also a part of the WOR group).
    • Very relaxed group, they stopped occasionally to take pictures of the scenery. They were also really excited to be hiking and being outdoors and being a part of nature.
    • They were also very funny, cracking jokes whenever possible.
    • They liked challenges on the trail like trekking through the snow or crossing water.
    • The whole group consisted of 20 people or so. Most of them in their 40s to 70s. They are at that age where their kids are settled down and they don't have to worry so much.
    • Not even halfway through the trail yet, people were taking off their thick coats already, revealing that they wore more than one layer underneath.
    • Many of the ladies were talking about their families and trips they took or ones they are planning to take. The trips seem to be to colder climates like Wisconsin, Alaska, and Colorado. This hints that they really like being outdoors and doing winter activities.
    • They seemed to be animal lovers since many talked about bringing their dogs with them, but because of the snow, it was a bit difficult. Leawood Park also require dogs to be on leashes at certain areas, otherwise they would've brought their dogs.
    • People walked in single file when we were on the horse trails but then they walked in groups when we were on bike trails.
    • "All it takes is will."
    • When someone passes them on a bike on the bike trail, they all yell "BIKE!" so that people behind them know to walk to the side.
    • They plan out which trail they hike but they don't walk it before the big hike with everyone so obstacles comes as a surprise.
    • The trail we went on is getting more difficult because of the creek coming up.
    During the hike, I also talked to a lady named Jackie. She coordinates most of the hike with Julie (the lady I interviewed) and was super nice. I had no idea that she knew Julie so that was cool. But a few stories/facts she told me while we were walking back:
    • There's usually only 6 or 7 people that comes out to a hike. The one we joined in had a really good turn out with 20 people or so.
    • Every year they do a hike on the last weekend of January. Every year they hike somewhere different. Last year, it was in Michigan where the temperature was below 30.
    • There's a project happening that is working towards joining all the trails around KC into a group.
    • They get funding from the government to get more people into hiking since it doesn't cost a lot and it doesn't take much training to get involved.
    • They don't hike much in the summer because of the hot weather. They like to hike at cooler temperature like what it was on Saturday. So in the summer, they would hike really early in the morning or go canoeing, ice skating, kayaking, etc. during the day.
    • The group sometimes plans trips to take together to go hiking in another state.
    • One year, they had a New Years Day hike where they all got together and hiked with really cold temperatures and then headed over to a person's house where everyone cooked different kinds of soups to share.
    • They get together every year to clean up the trails. There's other groups, like the biking group and another hiking group, that takes care of different trails. The horse trail we went on wasn't taken very good care of because people stopped having horses to ride through so it's become a bit disheveled.
    • There was a story she told me about them marking a trail with paint so that people knew and by the end of it, the guy was covered in blue paint and it was the type that is permanent so it was hard to get off.
    • The group is trying to get younger people involved but realizes that they are busy and some find it boring. The younger people get more involved when things are indoors, like ice skating in the summer.
    • The group we went with is a lot more relaxed and chill than most others. This one likes to stop and rest, whereas other groups hike continuously. She told me a story about how a few of them went hiking with the super avid hikers and couldn't keep up.
    • Reasons why people were hiking involved keeping up their health and to keep their bones healthy.
    A lot of information! There's more on Bethany's blog about our leave behind and our other interview.