
95% Typography Readings

"95% of the information on the web is written language. It is the information designer's task "to divide up and organize and interpret this mass of printed matter in such a way that the reader will have a good chance of finding what is of interest to him. Information design is not about the use of good typefaces, it is about the use of good typography."

I liked how he stresses that it isn't the type's fault that things look bad, it's the designer's. Typography is tricky when it comes to screen based things and it's up to the designers to know how to use it. I viewed Khoi Vinh's website after we had a talk about him quitting the NY Times and was quite excited to see his website as an example. I loved the simplicity of the website along with the use of its typography.

In the reaction reading, he's basically defending his thoughts about how the designer designs for the users. I totally agree with him because in the end, it's for everyone to benefit from. I liked that he lists all the mistakes different groups of people make when they are in the designing stage. Even though it seems logical and "of course", no one really thinks about it and really consider it.

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