
Diagrams Round 1

Diagrams that were for last Friday.

Things I need to improve on is having a title and the structure and have more meaning into them. I'm moving forward with the 10 largest diamonds, timeline of central park, and stats between married men and women in the US.


Concept sketches

Concepts for book covers. I made a list of symbols/indexes but its quite lengthy/boring so I won't post it. It's reflective in my sketches anyways so....

I started by making a list about things that attributed with the books and then drew my concepts from there. According to class today, my directions are all good but I'm either going to do the pairing of an object or the environment...in a collage/montage thing. I'm leaning towards combining all 3 ideas but right now, I'm going to at least attempt the environment first. I'm excited to see how these turn out but I need to work on how my spine and back looks along with where my icons and everything goes. We shall see....>.>

Project 3: Magazine Layout

Magazine layouts!!~! These were the first attempt that was due last Friday.
I'm real excited to see the end products of these along with the info graphs. I'll keep trying to upload the newest ones but with the critique today, we are going with the article about marriage proposal etiquette since my graphs will be better suited for that.



Charles Minard's Napoleon March diagram.
This is one of my favorite information graphic. I first saw it during a lecture about organizing information during fall foundation year and it became super memorable and I still remember it to this day. There's many elements in this whole diagram and it was all successfully conveyed. The tan line shows how many people Napoleon has in his army during his march from France to Russia and the black line shows the number going back to France. Minard also shows the temperature at the bottom for the returning trip. On the background of the traveling lines, there's also lines and text to tell where the army was geographically, like rivers and battles/cities. Whenever the line weight changes, he puts the amount of people alive and there's also scale for the distance on the bottom right corner ish. So really, in this one diagram, Minard uses time, stats, and map. He used lines and colors to indicated different aspects along with text to support his visual.



The reading in Lupton's book along with Heibert's, that I read before I knew it was crossed out, really help me visualize what I should be aiming at. Some notes I took on Lupton's reading:
  • a diagram is a graphic representation of a structure, situation or process
  • it allows us to see relationships that would not come forward in a straight list of numbers or a verbal description
  • charts or diagrams should employ metaphoric distractions or excessive flourishes but should stay within the realm of objective observation
  • it makes connections in networks
  • centralized networks include pyramids and trees where all power issues from a common point
  • decentralized networks has spine with radiating elements
  • distrubuted network has node to node relationship with no spine and no center
  • overlapping relationships like a van diagram
  • principles of diagramming and mapping are used to organize narrative in a spatial way
  • typically combine visual and verbal information, requiring mastery of both typography and composition
This applies to our project at this stage because we are starting to do information graphics!!~! These readings really helped because there were some awesome examples of how many layers there can be and I've tried including as many layers as I can but it's not coming together very well yet, but I have faith. Some of the "rules" that they mention makes a lot of sense and they all seem practical enough that you don't think about it yourself often. I made an information graphic inspired by Tufte in Foundations year and now that I look back on it, it was pretty good but it could've been better. So I'm super excited for this phase and hopefully I will succeed.


The Principles of the New Typography

This article was an interesting read. I learned a lot about how magazine layouts should work. Some notes I took:
  • we no longer read quietly line by line, but glance quickly over the whole, and only if our interest is awakened do we study it in detail
  • both nature and technology teach us that "form" is not independent, but grows out of function, out of materials used, and out of how they are used
  • the essence of the new typography is clarity
  • "form" must be created out of function
  • function of printed text is communication, emphasis, and the logical sequence of the contents
It really revolves around how we can convey the message to the readers in a clear way but present it with a bang so that they would take interest and continue reading. I'm starting to work on my layouts and it's a lot harder than it looks. There's so many elements that needs to be balanced but it also needs to flow smoothly. This was a good read to see a little background and how text should work.



Leaf - trees
Ring - diamonds
Bench - parks
Scarf - fashion/clothes
Lamppost - light
High heels - women

Project 4: Book Covers

New project! So we have to choose 4 books based on our icon stories and these are the books I chose.
Urban parks and open space.
Describes how 15 derelict areas of the United States were developed into thriving new parks and offers advice to public agencies and private developers on how to go about revitalizing urban areas. The text includes information on financing techniques, design, management and programming.
Making it as a couple: prescription for a quality relationship
Making it as a Couple provides specific recipes, easy to follow prescriptions, and precise methods that have an immediate impact on relationships. Dr. Fay shows you how to avoid inflammatory reactions, how to circumvent power struggles, and how to phrase requests, suggestions, observations and objections so that they are understood and respected.
The world’s greatest proposals
In a recent Internet contest, Fred Cuellar (a.k.a. "The Diamond Guy") offered a beautiful, sparkling diamond in return for the most hilarious, creative or inspirational proposal story. As a result, he received thousands of wonderful engagement stories and has collected the best here in The World's Greatest Proposals. A perfect shower gift, this beautiful little book will bring tears of joy, love and laughter to everyone who knows what it means to find the love of their life.
Rings: jewelry of power, love, and loyalty
With ravishing reproductions of rings from many countries, this book presents rings through major themes: signets; rings associated with love, marriage, and friendship; devotional, protective, and ecclesiastical rings; memento mori and memorial rings; rings associated with famous people and great events; decorative rings; diamond rings; and rings as accessories. Rings of all periods are covered—from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome through the Middle Ages and Renaissance to the twentieth century. The examples come from great museums and from private collections, chiefly that of the noted gem dealer Benjamin Zucker. The author, one of the world's leading jewelry historians, draws on artistic and literary sources to make the rings' contexts come alive with paintings, drawings, and vivid quotations. 479 color photographs and illustrations.

Yup. I think they are good and they work together. It's like a how-to propose book set. The book covers are all so bad though so hopefully I can do a better job. :D


Average word of the day?

Heck yea... :D

I just realized that blogger doesn't do smilies... :(


Final Colored Icons

Set of two colored icons. The .pdf kind of made this pixelation thing around my icons but its not there actually. Sorry...

All of my icons as one color, two color, and three color:
Linear progression:
The design is pretty bad on the linear progression but its hard to stick so much on an 8.5 x 11 space, but I tried to go with a gridded system thats not very evident.

I really liked this phase of icon making. Adding color onto them added this whole other layer, yet it still deals with our story. I went into it knowing I wanted autumn colors already but I didn't imagine using the peach color, which I really enjoy. It brings a certain lightness and not so gloominess to my icons. I mixed up my colors on my two color ones because it seemed too boring with just the same thing colored in with the same color. On the three color, I was going to do all the filling in one color, all the details in one color, and all the outline shape thing in one color. I decided to mix that one up too because I liked how the variety of the two color one turned out so I brought it into the three color one. I really like how all of them came out and it shows that the three colors can mix and create different looking icons.

Final Weather

This was a fun project. Challenging at times but still fun.
So my weather was dawn, wind, rain, and thunder. I wanted to create a sense of a calm morning but I don't think it turned out that way. I did experimentations with set type, which in some way I like but I felt like I should've tried other things as well. Composition wise, I think it's dramatic with the sweeping motion so it looks violent and hectic. It was hard to integrate it into one sweeping motion. From previous posts, you can see my transitions were the hardest part but I think I achieved it. For each phenomena, I used set type but then they are expressive in their own way. For example, wind has a wind effect to it and rain looks wet and dawn has those shadows like the sun is rising. Throughout all three pieces, I kept with that sweeping motion with few adjustments so that it still made sense but still cohesive with each other. I didn't want the ABC logo and tag line to be TOO significant so it's a bit smaller but still has the attention since it's on white and nothing is really "surrounding" it. I have my flash but not uploaded yet. So I'll post that once it's done.

Design Writing Research

This reading reinforces the idea that pictographs can take on many meanings. Like in the section Modern Hieroglyphs, a lot of icons/symbols were used and it touched on how these could mean another thing. In the section that talked about the Japanese writing, I can see how these "characters" are symbols themselves. I've studied Chinese before so I see them as words and I can recognize some and know the meanings to them, so to see them as just an icon that represent something was a bit challenging. I can see how this relates to our project right now as well. We developed icons and they mean something to our story, but adding color into them creates this whole other connotation with it. Let's take my leaf for example. My story takes place in autumn so I stuck with an autumn color scheme. If I was to change it to a light green, it could mean spring and if I turn it into a dark green, it could be mean summer. So to use color is just another way to clearly convey the story.


Final Sins

So this was a hard project for me. Maybe I was too ambitious in the beginning? I don't know, but I still had fun with it.

In no particular order:
In the end, I think I successfully conveyed the sins. The ones I had trouble with was gluttony and greed since they are similar with the idea of having too much. Wrath could probably be revised now that I see it with the whole set. Lighting wasn't such an issue since I just used natural lighting so it more or less came out to be what it is. I learned the thinking abstractly but still conveying the message is harder than it looks. During the process, the dot project was in the back of my mind so I tried to reference that. It was a little harder since its paper that I'm dealing with so there's really no way to make it look exactly like my thumbnails, so I kind of gave up on that. I tried to keep the circular paper consistent so that the book would flow better and only the composition and the color would change. In all though, I'm happy about how it came out. If it's not representing the sins, it would still be a nice book.

Colored Icon Set

I realized I could've done these horizontally instead of vertical so that it's all on one line, but I already printed them for class so I didn't bother fixing it. :(
I'm feeling the first 2 ideas better than the last, simply because when the details are pure black, I can't leave them white so like the bench and the leaf looks awkward. Color wise, I'm liking the brown with the pinkish peach or with the red. Orange seems to be screaming too much and it works better in the outline rather than the filled in ones.


Bus and Billboard Attempt 4

Yup. Attempt number 4. I got the transitions down I think. So all I really have to do left is tweaks here and there. It's not so bad. Most of my time will be spent doing the interstitial, which I'll upload here once I'm done (and maybe, MAYBE, my rough ones).

Only the bottom side needs help, where thunder and rain is.
And I need to fix the ascending line so it's not so straight edged...

Failed Paper Pt.2

These are the ones I did over the weekend (besides the pride/purple one I did in class).

Most of the people I asked got them but I'm redoing them still. I think I know what direction to go so hopefully I will get it by tomorrow since it's due soon.

Revised Color Swatches

Here's my revised swatches according to critique on Friday.
We decided that sticking with fall colors but with a touch of happiness would be the way to go. So the browns, oranges, and red are staying because my story is set in autumn. I might not use any blues but it depends so I left them in the mix so we shall see. Same value is a good idea so I'm going to try to stick to that. The peaches (I had lighter ones previously) seems the be the ideal "happiness" color right now so I just darkened it a tad to make it not too light when it prints out. But yup, off to color in my set.


Colored Icons

These are the 3 directions that I should pursue.

I'm liking the first and the last ones better because you can still see my gaps and it keeps it true to the original more. I'm kind of leaning more towards the bottom one but we shall see.

Bus and Billboard Attempt 2 and 3

Kind of late but these are the ones for Monday.

I tried to split the billboards into 2 and not just one. I think I like it being one more than having it separated.
I didn't find the bus template until later. :(

The following are the ones for Friday, revised according to Monday's critique.
I forgot to take out the "weather at your fingertips" on here, but I fixed it already. Imagine it not there. >.>
The only side I'm having trouble with is thunder and rain because both are so busy that its hard to make it not busy. I tried though.