- List of oldest trees in the world
- In 1992 the number of acres of wild land planted trees increased to 32 millions acres where 72% was in southern U.S. By 1997, there were 36 million acres in the South, 4 million in the North, and 14 million in the west for a total of 54 million acres in the U.S.
- Timeline of tree planting
- Record breaking trees
- Pie chart of the causes of deforestation in the Amazon 2000-2005
- Deforestation world map
- Sources: “List of Oldest Trees.” n.d. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oldest_tree (accessed Mar. 19, 2010).; Nix, Steve. “History of Tree Planting in the United States.” n.d. http://forestry.about.com/od/foresthistory1/a/tree_plt... (accessed Mar. 19, 2010).; “Tree.” n.d. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree (accessed Mar. 19, 2010).; “Deforestation.” 28 Mar. 2009. http://nksandeep.wordpress.com/2009/03/28/deforestation/ (accessed Mar. 19, 2010).
Ring - diamonds
- Where diamonds are found
- Hardness scale
- Timeline of diamond history
- Timeline of diamond cuts
- List of largest diamonds
- Map of diamonds found in Africa
- Sources: “Diamonds – General Information.” 2010. http://jcrs.com/JCRS_for_consumers/jewelry_information... (accessed Mar. 20, 2010).; “History of Diamonds.” n.d. http://www.diamonds-are-forever.org.uk/history-of-diam... (accessed Mar. 20, 2010).; “All About Gem Stones.” 2007. http://www.khulsey.com/jewelry/diamond_cutting_history... (accessed Mar. 20, 2010).; “10 Largest Diamonds in the World.” 09 Feb. 2007. http://crazytopics.blogspot.com/2007/02/10-largest-dia... (accessed Mar. 20, 2010).; “Alluvial Diamond Mining Project.” n.d. http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eespteam/diamondproject/ind... (accessed Mar. 20, 2010).
Bench - parks
- Map of national parks
- Timeline of when national parks were created
- List of national parks with acreage (can tell which is the largest vs. the smallest)
- List of 10 most visited national parks (with visitors number)
- List of 10 least visited national parks
- Map of countries with national parks
- Sources: LanceAround, “Florida Everglades National Park.” 15 Jan. 2009. http://lancearoundorlando.com/2009/01/15/florida-everg... (accessed Mar. 19, 2010).; “National Park System Timeline.” n.d. http://www.nps.gov/history/history/hisnps/NPSHistory/t... (accessed Mar. 19, 2010).; “List of National Parks of the United States.” n.d. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_National_Parks_of... (accessed Mar. 21, 2010).; Shapley, Dan. “10 National Parks to See Before You Die.” 2009. http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest... (accessed Mar. 21, 2010).; Wolfe, Elizabeth. “The Wildest of the West: The 10 Least Visited National Parks.” 2009. http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest... (accessed Mar. 21, 2010).; “Grolier.” 2010. http://go-passport.grolier.com/atlas?id=mtlr083&tn=/at... (accessed Mar. 21, 2010).
Scarf - fashion/clothes
- Fashion timeline
- Fashion capitals on map
- Size converter chart
- Top selling fashion magazines (with numbers of copies sold)
- Timeline of when the magazines were created (same article as the top selling magazines)
- Timeline of fashion designers
- Sources: Johnson, David. “Timeline: Modern Fashion.” n.d. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/fashiontime1.html (accessed Mar. 22, 2010).; “CLOTHES: Converting Clothing Sizes.” 30 Aug. 2008. http://www.crossdresserheaven.com/WindowsLiveWriter/im... (accessed Mar. 22, 2010).; “Fashion Timeline.” 17 June 2009. http://www.designerclothesonline.co.uk/blog/2009/06/fa... (accessed Mar. 22, 2010).; “History of Top Fashion Magazines of the World.” 10 May 2009. http://www.outofbox.in/history-of-top-9-fashion-magazi... (accessed Mar. 22, 2010).; “The World of Fashion.” n.d. www.stormstyle.com/ fashion_map_of_the_world (accessed Mar. 22, 2010; site now discontinued).
Lamppost - light
- Artificial night sky brightness in America over time
- Lights over the world
- Timeline of lighting and lamps
- Florescent vs. incandescent light bulbs wattage
- Electricity consumption for 2008
- Incandescent lightbulb timeline
- Sources: Logan, Scott. “GLOBE at Night: Can You See the Stars?.” 15 Mar. 2009. http://sanantonioskywatch.com/SkyWatch.php?ArticleID=228 (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; Bellis, Mary. “History of Lighting and Lamps.” n.d. http://inventors.about.com/od/lstartinventions/a/light... (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “Incandescent Watt Equivalent.” n.d. http://www.nvisioncfl.com/FileUploads/RichTextboxImage... (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “Energy Statistics.” 2008. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/ene_ele_con-energy-e... (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “The History of the Incandescent Lightbulb.” n.d. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bllight2.htm (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).
High heels - women
- Timeline of famous women
- Women in national parliaments
- Working women stats (at bottom there are stat charts)
- Life expectancy rate map (2001)
- Life expectancy rate stat charts (2010)
- Map of women vs men in US (2006)
- Sources: “Timeline of Famous Women.” n.d. http://www.pocanticohills.org/womenenc/timeline.htm (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “Women in National Parliaments.” 28 Feb. 2010. http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “Working Women.” n.d. http://socialissues.wiseto.com/Topics/WorkingWomen/ (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “Around the Globe, Women Outlive Men.” 2001. http://www.prb.org/Articles/2001/AroundtheGlobeWomenOu... (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “Births, Deaths, Marriages, & Divorces: Life Expectancy.” n.d. http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/cats/births_dea... (accessed Mar. 23, 2010).; “Where to Meet Singles in United States.” 30 Oct. 2008. http://www.eslpod.com/eslpod_blog/wp-content/uploads/2... (accessed Mar. 23, 2010)
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