
Last "official" week of color

Yay. Last "official" week of studio work...but there's still so much left to do! So we worked on our group project this week along with RGB-ing our leaves. First, I'll show my calendar page.
I had June and the color scheme was warm/cool as an effect. I did 2 versions, one using gradient and one using opposites. The above design was the final design except there are some tweaks in it not shown. I'm super excited to see the whole calendar together. I feel like it will be good. We also worked on changing our CMYK colors into RGB colors for the web. So below is my RGB fixes with the scanned color aid on the left. If you want to see the CMYK one, its in and older post. :D
RGB is definitely easier than doing CMYK. For some reason, I never had problems with printing what I see on screen but the Konica is like a totally different coloring so it was so much harder. In the next week, we are finishing up our calendar and our environmental color book. I'm so excited to see the final products. It will be good. :D

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you guys are managing the project well. Nice 'n smooth.
