
Experimental Type Images

Some type experiments I found that is part of the type wall:

After that exercise, we chose an area of interest that we want to explore more of. I chose to do interactive work and found some really cool websites: Typeface ProjectType is ArtTyporganismBembo's Zoo

I was also interested in spatial type so I looked up some of that as well: XYZ Spatial TypeFoam Letters3d Typography Book

When we were sharing in class of our areas, I thought, why not do spatial interaction? So that ended up being where I'm geared towards but I'm still very interested in being digitally interactive so hopefully my end product can be something translated into the computer. Also in last class, we had to come up with a tiny experiment to sum up our ideas and I did something really simple. I just made a ton of cubes and let the audience make letterforms out of it.

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