First project of the year! In class yesterday, we listed three topics that we were interested in and I put food/cooking, web design, and something like independent youtube artists...and then we got our assignment. And I rethought things. I learned from past experiences, that too much of a good thing makes its bad so I didn't want to take something that I'm liking right now and revolve, what seems to be, a full semester project around it. So I thought and thought and I ended up with architecture.
I've always been into buildings and the designs of them and it seems like this project would be a good way to get myself more comfortable with it. I researched around and was leaning towards creating a brand based narrative about luxury, beach cottages? But then I found this non profit organization called Architecture for Humanities and got really interested in it. Basically, its an organization with multiple chapters, with one based in KC, that builds various kinds of buildings for humanitarian crisis and brings professional design services to communities in need. Their
website has a ton of information on what they do and who and what is involved and I'm really interested in it so that's the path I will follow.
So I guess I will be doing a brand based narrative targeting a new audience. It seems that Architecture for Humanities is kind of targeting everyone right now? I can't find like the general range of people but I'm going to guess like 25 to 50 years old with an architectural background in building or designing. Therefore, I want to aim at an 18 to 30 years old group. The group I have in mind are obviously a bit younger and are still in college. These are the type of people that is really in architectural design and they are more eccentric and lively. They love life and they have a passion for helping out people. Since I'm aiming at "out of high school, into college" age range as well, these are people that are unsure of what to do in life. They are lost and it's my job to be like "you WANT to do this because of how amazing it looks". The person I have in my mind is just an out of college graduate with an architecture degree that has no idea what to do. He/she loves to travel and explore new places. He's from a better financial background than most people. Anything he wanted, he could get. So let's assume he doesn't know the hardship of third world countries and he lives a pretty comfortable life. He is eccentric and "different", "typical" artist I guess. Well kept, maybe has OCD, girls want to be with him, guys want to be him. Yeah...or vice versa if it's a girl. I think I want to keep it attracting to both genders. Um, nicest person ever, kindest heart, naive most would say. Loves children, loves interaction, a people person. Likes to buy average products, occasionally buys name brand things, drives a nice car. Pretty well set I think. But then he likes to get involved in community work. I guess it could also gear towards just out of high school kids and it could be a stepping stone to an interest they have, something to "test the waters".
Hopefully that gives a clear picture of what my target audience is like. Basically it boils down to a group of people not knowing what to do with their lives but they have almost everything in the world and they seem like they would be successful and they just want to do something different. And then they hear about this organization.
Sounds good? :D