
Gambatte: A Monument to Human Perserverance

With this project, Karen and I wanted to build a monument commemorating human perseverance, especially the Japanese people's response to the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. Therefore, this monument is really for the people of Japan. It is located on the Ishinomaki Bay, where the epicenter of the earthquake is located. We looked at their beliefs, such as Shinto and Buddhism, as well as their overall aesthetics to create this piece. Their aesthetic is very minimal and symmetrical and our form aims to reflect that. At first, we wanted to use natural materials but decided on a form and material that is man made, to reflect the idea that humans overcame nature. The structure is meant for water to flow underneath so that when visitors stand on the platform on top, they feel like they are overcoming nature and they can feel empowered.


Monument to Human Perserverance

So it's been a while since we've been working on this. But since brainstorming went, Karen and me decided to work with the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011.

Our inspiration board reflected the idea of us wanting to work with the Japanese culture and incorporating their aesthetic with our monument. We also wanted to work with natural elements, incorporate zen gardens, Buddhism and Shintoism ideals, and mazes with a lot of water. We floated around a bit and then sketched a ton (which Karen has all the drawings and perhaps has uploaded to her blog). So from there and multiple sketches, we came up with the form. It's a ramp with an overlooking deck into the sea (to go off the idea of perseverance and overcoming the disaster). Below are some images of our monument in progress.

For now, we are working to improve the form and I'll update with that later (or when I remember to).